What's New in ROCK MAKER® 4.6

ROCK MAKER 4.6 includes some improvements to make your research easier. Here is a quick look at some of the new developments for ROCK MAKER 4.6


Well Menu in the Experiment Page

Clearly view all drops of a selected well through the Well menu on the experiment page.

Well Menu

Ingredients, Plate Types, and Imaging Submenus in the Setup Menu

Better manage ingredients, plate types, and images through the IngredientsPlate Types, and Imaging submenus. Go to Ingredients Setup SubmenuPlate Types Submenu, and Imaging Submenu to find out more.

Note: This menu is accessible in Administrator mode only.

Ingredients, Plate Types, and Imaging Submenus

Find Drops Feature

Search drops in a more organized way using different search criteria and filters. Read Finding Drops for further details.

Find Drops Feature

Image Now Feature

Initiate an on-demand imaging session through the ExploreCanvasDrop, or Compare menu.

Image Now Feature

Slide Show Button

Experience the full-screen drop image viewing using the Slide Show button in the CanvasWell, or Compare menu on the experiment page. Go to Viewing Images Using Slide Show to explore the feature.

Slide Show Window

Software Update Notification

Catch up with available updates upon login.

RockMaker Update Dialog Box

Many of the best ROCK MAKER® updates have been suggested by our awesome user community!
Have a great idea on how to make ROCK MAKER® better? Let us know by contacting us at support@formulatrix.com.

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