Release Notes
Build Date: February 02, 2024
- [SLP][Testing] Unchanging/unmoving Objective Zoom during Lens Switching testing.
- [SLP][Testing] Lens Switching testing halt when running on Ultraviolet lightpath with on Live Stream.
- [SLP][Testing] Blurry image resulting from Lens Switching testing.
- [SLP][Flat Field Correction] The prompt to switch to Visible lightpath when calibrating Bad Pixel Value on Ultraviolet lightpath.
- [Control Panel] Inaccurate display of slider state.
Build Date: November 30, 2023
- Storage Calibration to allow calibration result download in CSV format.
- Software to work when using basic ImagerLink with minimal features.
- Log when failing to access all shared folders.
- [Vector Editor] Predefined Vector position row to disable deletion.
- Backup to include waypoint file during restoration.
- MFI (Multi Fluorescence Imager) feature.
- SLP (Single Light Path) feature.
- [Log] Information when FIS is off.
- [Log] Information when failing to load AppConfig.xml in ImagerLink.
- [Log] Information when another program uses a selected port.
- [Log] Information when active MQ is off.
- [Log] Information when RIP failed to connect to ROCK MAKER database.
- Iteration feature to reliability testing.
- A configurable Auto Illumination feature.
- Installer from Linux to Windows.
- The default port of web service to 5200.
- Instrument type from FT400 to RI360.
- Configuration folder’s path from FT400-UV to RI360-UV.
- Database name from MTI_FT400 to RockImager.
- Default password of ROCK IMAGER software.
- [System Overview] Main Door status on the Storage panel to only display on hardware with main door sensor.
- System not displaying any information regarding the Carrier on the diagnostic results.
- [Vector Editor] Disabled “Add New Row” feature when selecting Custom Vector copied from Predefined Vector.
- [Vector Editor] Incorrect name of newly added position row.
- Incorrect tab name on Testing page.
- [Installer] ROCK IMAGER V4 upgrade failure.
- [Initial Configuration][Suite] Missing “Username” and “Password” on the shared file location settings.
- [Initial Configuration] Failure to apply settings after defining Windows Authentification‘s value without filling in ROCK MAKER Database Configuration credentials.
- [Default Imaging Settings][UV] Blank page appearing when changing Drop 2 objective on the Override Zoom settings.
- [Log] System not displaying error status for failed authentication in RIP log.
- [Store & Retrieve] Error when executing “Scan Storage” on a hotel where all slots were disabled.
- [Storage Auto Calibration] Undisplayed “Vector Deviation” results when running auto-calibration using “Proximity Sensor” mode.
- [Reliability Testing] Failure to execute testing on a 2-slot height.
- Warning message for storage referring to free slot capacity instead of occupied slots.
- Expanding carrier failure after restarting RockImagerV4 service.
- System skipping slots set as transit points during reliability testing.
- [User Management] Failure to generate OTP for newly created users.
- [Imager] Autofocus feature producing only one node on the Focus Graph.
- [RM Integration] Discrepancy between the database and displayed values when changing the out-of-range maximum/minimum value on the config.
- [RM Integration] Failure to set Exposure despite the correct value.
- [RM Integration] [Imaging Settings] Editable Brightness field when using Drop or Plate Auto Exposure.
- [Tools] [Testing] Failure to change Lightpath in Control Panel.
- Failure to stop Suite service when the camera was disconnected.
- [Configuration] Malfunctioning ImagerContact simulation when the config value was set to “True“.
- [Vector Editor] Failure to rename Position row.
- Crashing PSR when moving to the safe position.
- [Temperature Control] Incorrect slider position upon pressing the Previous button when the slider was at the end position.
- [Imager] Disabled Clear All Drop Locations button on other experiments after executing it once.
- [Imager] Unexpected stop of imaging task when using identical Override Zoom values.
- [Settings] [Imager] Malfunctioning Pixel Size Calibration when adjusting the “# of Squares” value after drawing a line.
- [License] Normally running system with an expired permanent license.
- [Preferences] [Single Scanning Method] Halted plate scanning when the barcode scanner didn’t detect a plate in an empty slot in Load Port.