Live Image Sub-menu

The Live Image sub-menu is open by default when you click the Imager menu. You will spend most of your time here if you are manually inspecting a plate. But, you can also use this sub-menu to view what is happening during an automatic operation when a plate is being imaged.

In the screenshot below, the Live Image sub-menu is divided into two sections: The Toolbar and Control Panel.

Live Image Sub-Menu

Live Image Sub-Menu

The Toolbar

The Toolbar consists of tools to assist you during live image viewing, most of which are only active in Manual Mode.

The Toolbar


Show me what the toolbar buttons do


Imaging Method


Live Stream


Views the content of a plate in real time, which is useful when conducting manual inspections.

Important: The longer you keep a single drop under a live image, the more you expose your sample to heat. We highly recommend that you turn the Live Stream OFF when not actively inspecting wells.

Capture EFI


Manual Mode only. Captures Extended Focus Image (EFI) of a specific drop using the current camera and optics settings.

Image Now


Creates a custom imaging schedule.

Cancel Imaging


Cancels all automated imaging for the current plate.

Clear Drop


Clears a drop location on a per-drop or per-plate basis.

Move To


Moves the plate that is currently under the imager either to the Storage or Load Port.

Control Panel

The Control Panel area consists of manual imaging controls, such as the Well ControlOptics and Camera Control, and an image viewing tool to assist you while manually inspecting a plate or setting up a new plate definition.



Well Control

Well Control is enabled during manual imaging sessions. It contains buttons to help you navigate around your plate. Learn more about how to use the Well Control Panel.

Optics and Camera Control

Optics and Camera Control is enabled during manual imaging sessions. This is where you configure the microscope’s optics and adjust how your images appear on the screen. Read more about using Optics and Camera Control.


Use this image tuning feature in ROCK IMAGER® to adjust the contrast and brightness of your drop images to better bring out the details and hidden crystals. Read how to use the Leveling Histogram for more information.

Live Image Options

Provides three toggle buttons as listed below.

  • Enable Scale Bar: Marked in orange square below, the scale bar provides a visual indication of the drop size or crystal within the drop (in μM). The value changes accordingly as you play with the zoom function in the Optics and Camera Control panel.

  • Enable Crosshair Guide: Marked in a red cross below, the crosshair is a useful guide when calibrating the X, Y, and Z coordinates for the four corner well locations of a new plate.

  • Best Fit: Fits the whole drop image into one single view while maintaining the original aspect ratio.

Crosshair and Scale Bar

Plate Information

Shows the information of the plate currently under the imager.



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