If your question doesn’t appear below, please email support@formulatrix.com and we will respond within 24 hours, Monday through Friday.
What liquids are compatible with µPULSE?
See Liquid Compatibility for more information.
Can µPULSE be run in a cold room?
Yes, but the pumping parameters must be adjusted due to increased liquid viscosity. For more information, see Setting Up Auto Profile.
Can µPULSE handle viscous solutions?
Yes, it has been tested with up to 50% glycerol or water solutions, but the pumping parameters must be adjusted.
How long can the chips be used?
They can be used to concentrate at least 300 mL of solution before needing to be replaced. Exact life depends on what cutoff size you have chosen for a particular sample size.
Can the chips be cleaned?
Yes the chips can be cleaned with maximum of 0.1M Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH). For more information, see µPULSE Filtration Chip Manual.