Managing User Account

If you have an administrator account, you have permissions to manage the user accounts, including: adding a new user, editing existing users, and removing obsolete users.

This topic covers the following instructions:

Adding a New User

  1. In the User Manager page, click the New User button .
  2. Define the UsernamePasswordNameEmail, and Role option. If any of this information has already been registered, FLO i8 will automatically detect it.
  3. When you’re done, click CREATE.

Creating a New User in the User Manager Section

Creating a New User in the User Manager Section

Editing a New User

  1. In the User Manager page, select a user account, and click the EDIT button .

Clicking the EDIT Button in the User Management Page

Clicking the EDIT Button in the User Management Page

  1. In the EDIT USER window, change the user account’s information: password, name, email address, role, and active/inactive state.

Modifying Existing User

Modifying Existing User

Note: An inactive user will not be able to sign in and use the FLO i8 software, however their protocols and pipetting profiles are still saved.

Inactive User in the User Management Page

Inactive User in the User Management Page

  1. Click UPDATE to save the changes, and go back to the User Manager page.

Remove an Existing User

  1. On the User Manager page, select the user you want to remove and click the Remove button.

Remove Button in the User Manager Page

Remove Button in the User Manager Page

  1. The Remove User window will display instructions based on the selected user’s status:
  • If user has no protocol or pipetting profile, click YES, REMOVE.

Removing User with no Protocols or Pipetting Profiles

Removing User with no Protocols or Pipetting Profiles

  • If user has any protocols or pipetting profiles, select and follow the on-screen instructions to remove the user permanently or transfer user’s data to an existing user profile. Click CONFIRM when you’re done.

Select from the Available Options to Remove a User

Select from the Available Options to Remove a User

Important: Transferring the existing protocols to another user will also automatically transfer all associated pipetting profiles and change the ownership to the selected user.

Transfer Protocols to Another User

Transfer Protocols to Another User

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