Managing Existing Labware

FLO i8 lets you modify and adjust the existing labware types according to your experiment preferences. Accessible on the menu bar, the options include SortSearchDuplicateRemove, and Open Labware Setup.

This topic covers the following tutorials:

Sort Labware

The labware list can be sorted according to your preferences. To sort the labware, you can click the Sort icon beside each Labware Manager column.

The Labware NameLabware TypeWell Shape, and Well Bottom columns are sorted in alphabetical order. On the other hand, the Well Number and Well Capacity (µL) columns are sorted in numerical order.

Sorting Labware Name in Labware Manager

Sorting Labware Name in Labware Manager

If the Sort icon is upwards  , the columns are sorted in alphabetical or numerical order. In contrast, if the Sort icon is downwards  , the columns are sorted in reverse alphabetical or numerical order.

The red indicator marks that the particular column has been sorted. You can sort any column you want, while the other column will adjust their orders according to the sorted column.

Search Labware

You can find a specific labware type through the Search Labware bar without having to scroll down the Labware Manager page. There are two ways of finding the labware you search. See the tutorials below to search by typing the labware name or using the search filter.

  • Typing labware name on the search bar

Labware Manager Search Bar

Labware Manager Search Bar

  1. Click the Search Labware bar.
  2. Type the keyword of the labware type you want to search (e.g. Falcon).
  3. Then, press Enter.

The Labware Manager will list labware with names that contain the keyword only.

  • Using search filter
  1. Click the dropdown symbol beside the search bar.Fill or select at least one of the labware filters set up according to the category you look for. See Creating a New Labware for more information.

Search Labware Filter Set Up

Search Labware Filter Set Up

  1. When you are done, click the Search button. The Labware Manager will list labware with specifications according to the filter you have set up.
  2. To clear the filter, click  in the Search Labware bar.

Duplicate Labware

The Duplicate Labware menu is used to duplicate non-generic labware along with its details and specifications. The steps are available below.

  1. Click the labware type you want to duplicate.
  2. Click the Duplicate Labware icon on the menu bar.
  3. Change the labware name. Make sure the name does not exceed 50 characters.

Duplicate Labware Window

Duplicate Labware Window

If you proceed to click the CREATE button without renaming the labware, a warning message will appear.

  • RENAME – Click this option to use the system-generated labware name.
  • CANCEL – This option directs you back to the Duplicate Labware window to change the labware name.

Rename Labware Warning Message

Rename Labware Warning Message

  1. Click the CREATE button and the duplicated labware will be listed in the Labware Manager.

Remove Labware

You can delete non-generic labware types from the FLO i8 database using the Remove Labware option. See the following steps to delete labware.

Important: The labware that has been removed from the FLO i8 database cannot be restored again.

  1. Click the labware type you want to delete.
  2. Click the Remove Labware  icon on the menu bar.

You will see the Remove Labware dialog box to ensure the action you choose.

Remove Labware Dialog Box

Remove Labware Dialog Box

  1. Click the REMOVE button or click CANCEL to cancel removing the labware.

The labware you wish to delete has been removed from the FLO i8 database.

Open or Modify Labware Setup

The OPEN  button available on the menu bar allows you to access the labware setup or modify them. If you are opening generic labware, you can only see the details of the labware type and the specifications cannot be changed. In contrast, you can edit the non-generic labware details and specifications in the labware setup.

To open the labware setup, see the following steps:

  1. Click the labware you want to open and then click the OPEN button on the menu bar.


Double click the intended labware to go to the setup page.

Opening the Labware Set Up

Opening the Labware Set Up

  1. OPTIONAL: In the labware setup, edit the labware specifications as necessary, except for the fields that are disabled. Further, screen tips containing a warning message will appear as you hover your cursor to the disabled fields.

Disabled Labware Set Up

Disabled Labware Set Up

Note: Well NumberRow, and Column cannot be modified especially when the labware is already assigned to a protocol. Subsequently, the Row and Column cannot be edited, even if the labware is not assigned to any protocol. But, you can edit the fields if you select Custom well number.

For more information, see the Creating a New Labware for the set up description and tutorials.


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